They R N My Head...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Stop Your Complaining

I am so tired of complaining ass ppl. Ppl r so stuck on the economy that they fail to see the blessings that God is placing before them. Some ppl get an extra $400 in their pay check and still find a reason to complain when unexpected bills come their way. It is ridiculous to me how some ppl can ignore the obvious because they so badly want to b stuff in the struggle. Life is too short to let money bother you. And I wish that other ppl especially males could see that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You Mite Win Some...

Today was not a good day. I lost a friend not to death but to bullshit and at the end of the day that just simply proves that he could not have been a true friend. It is still fresh on my mind and fresh in my soul but I kno that I will get over it. It hurt my feelings the way shit went down and I'm still confused as to what the fuck happened but all I kno is this is the last time I give someone a second chance because I always get fucked in the end. I'm going to miss our good times and remember our bad but this can not be forgiven. And I want to ask GOD to forgive me for not forgiving and not being peaceful. And ask GOD to help me to forget this nonsense and move on with my life and the days I share with my real friends. I could have done so many bad and wrong things to this person but all I ever really wanted to do was help and be there and they kno that but until the day they realize that I will have to know that a simple harmless quetion(or at least that's what I thought it was) ended our friendship. I hope GOD blesses him in all he does and that he will forever be blessed but right now I'm going to sleep and get myself right with GOD because only he knows my heart.

You Mite Win Some...

Today was not a good day. I lost a friend not to death but to bullshit and at the end of the day that just simply proves that he could not have been a true friend. It is still fresh on my mind and fresh in my soul but I kno that I will get over it. It hurt my feelings the way shit went down and I'm still confused as to what the fuck happened but all I kno is this is the last time I give someone a second chance because I always get fucked in the end. I'm going to miss our good times and remember our bad but this can not be forgiven. And I want to ask GOD to forgive me for not forgiving and not being peaceful. And ask GOD to help me to forget this nonsense and move on with my life and the days I share with my real friends. I could have done so many bad and wrong things to this person but all I ever really wanted to do was help and be there and they kno that but until the day they realize that I will have to know that a simple harmless quetion(or at least that's what I thought it was) ended our friendship. I hope GOD blesses him in all he does and that he will forever be blessed but right now I'm going to sleep and get myself right with GOD because only he knows my heart.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Amazing Times

For some reason this was one of the longest weekends I have ever had. Full of alcohol and fun. I missed those weekend and I am glad they r back.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Toast

I left up my glass to my new friend
The closer we get the further the end
The happiness we share is beyond measure
A friend like u is a friend forever
We have our differences
But that makes us the same
The closer we get the quieter the shame
Your presence makes me happy
And I smile when I hear your name
So welcome into my like
Good friend of mine
We have to stay close until the end of time

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Drunkin Night

Of all nights I chose last night to get really really drunk. But the thing is I was not drunk until I got up for work this morning. I could not talk or talk and I wanted to just throw up. So I did. I went in the bathroom and emptied myself. It made me feel better. Drinking is only fun if u don't have plans the next day

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Doin Nothing Much

I am sitting I'm my bed room trying to figure out things. And by things I don't kno what I mean. Like I cut my hair and I feel like matbe crying about it becuse I don't know what to do with it. Like ppl say it is cute but maybe they r just saying that to my face and are not really feelin it. I mean I'm glad I did it cuz I am starting over but what if it doesn't grow back. What if I have totally fucked up. I mean I'm not lookin for a man so that's not my issue. I just want to be attractive to ppl. Have I ruined my look. I don't know. I'm ready to see what the future holds. I am glad the ppl who r in my life are here and I love them. But I think its time for me to love me.

Phone Troubles

So the friday befor my bday my blackberry Curve crashed and I lost all info that I had not saved. Today I got a new curve and hun let me tell u I have never had such a great experience until now. My first curve had to be in slow classes or something because it did not amount to the wonderment of the one I have now. I kno u r thinking that I am going to be complaining next week but I think that this one was made for me

My Birthday

I hate sharing my bday. I had to share my bday with Mother's day Again this year and I did not do the things that I wanted to do but I am happy I got to spend time with my family.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Snap Out of It

I'm back to my normal self again. Well as normal as I can get and that is a good thing. I got to see some really pretty lightening tonight and that was a bonus. I watched an alright movie(I figured it out 20 minutes into the movie) and I spent time with my birthday boy who is sleeping again lol. I tell u this guy sleeps like nobodies business. So I'm lying down now trying to fall asleep but I have so much jumbled in my brain. The infamous Chris Brown has been spending too much time at my school lately and that is pissin me off not to mention the fact that he is causing all kinds of crazy. If u read my other blog u would kno that I am not a fan of the Chrissy (and this was before the Rih Rih situation that just made me speak out). So the fact that he may b using my schools facilities for free pisses me off. I should kick his ass and show him who's boss round these here parts then chicks will see that he does fight girls and his career could possibly be over forever. But y cuz I'm mad. I'm glad I'm too old for the bullshit I'm just sick of the nonsense. And I hope that I don't seem too bitchy I just feel how I feel

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not Myself

So today is the first day of my "girl time" and I feel very emotionally unstable. It has been raining all day and I just want to throw up and be mad. I know that I shouldn't be because it is my man's bday but I can't help it. My emotions are way stringer than my desire today and I am hating this. I need a get away very seriously.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Follower

So I have a new follower its my home girl missanonymous and her blog is effin hilarious. Make sure to read it from beginning to end. It is for adults and has a lot of things we all can relate to. So if u get bored and want to read some interesting sex stories and real life smut check out well that's all I have for u today.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Im Up, NOT Cool!!

Hey u guys I'm up with the sun and not very happy about it. I can not stand my job. And sometimes its not so much the job as the working conditions,the situation, and the necessity for me to be here for my own fiscal benefit. I am constantly in a on going battle with the one I call sleep. Studying all day yesterday, then I went to the hottest(not hot as in good but the literal meaning) indoor pool party ever in the history of indoor pool parties that I have been to. It was a 4 on a 1-10 scale in how fun it was. Some assholes got a kick out of throwing people in the pool with their phones and any other electrical devices attached. That is what made it so lame. And from the looks of outside today may be as lame as that party. Its day light but I lied when I said I was up with the sun cuz that little guy is MIA. So I will be napping before I go back into the deep meditations of study. My biggest goal as of right now is to try to stay awake for the next 5 hours without totally losing my mind. I want to bad to not even be sleepy right now but since I went to bed mad I didn't say my prayers and that leaves me at work tired and confused. And not looking forward to the last 3 hours of this shift. Well I think I'm done rambling on and on about my SAD life. I hope u all have a nice day I know I will try.