They R N My Head...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Dell just screwed really bad...let me tell you my story.

So my homegirl bought me the Sims 3 and anyone who knows me knows I am a Sims fanatic. Well I download the game on my new Dell Inspiron mini 10v. I go to play the game and the computer tells me the graphics card is not found. So at 4 something in the AM I call Dell. And obviously at this time of the morning there is no one on Dell's payroll that speaks English as there first language, But I deal with it. I talk to one person after the next. Then I get to this guy who seems to be helping me but I guess not....

I tell him I need 2GHz and I keep saying I need gigahertz, he is just saying gigz so i figure we r on the same damn page...and we were but this M-effer was in the GB RAM book and I was in the GHz book. So I just spent $45 om 2 GB RAM that I dont need. So i go to try to cancel it but guess what...the people who speak English dont come in until 8AM....BS total BS.....what happened to 24 hour customer service. By the time I get to talk to someone it will be too late to cancel my order.

I would say the money is not an issue but it is if I am getting something I do not want or need...and I still cant play the damn Sims.....


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