They R N My Head...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have not been to a good party in a long time. When I day good party I mean. Dance and pass out drunk good party. Where u don't know the person whose feet are in your face when u wake up in the morning but u know u were introduced to them. LOL. I want to go to one of those good old parties this summer. CUZ I only really party during my breaks. Winter spring and SUMMER which is in 3 weeks. I can't wait to put on that swimsuit and hit the beach and the pool. And get drunk everyday cuz I can. I miss the SUMMER. I hope to get a real summer this year. So far things have been not looking so summery. I want it to be 80 degrees or higher and the sun to shine all day and for the nights to be warm and breezy. Like the summers of the 90's. Gosh everything was so much better in the 90's (check out for more on the 90's). I just want to be able to relax in my air condition and love the summer. And pray that no one complains to GOD about it being to hot cuz now look what they did. Is it never going to be hot again? I don't know but I do know this the Summer is only what u make it so be safe and smart but have fun. Because everything is fun until some one gets hurt so use your sober mind and if u can't find your sober mind let some one else do the thinking and driving for u. We are loosing too many young ppl to alcohol and drunk violence. In the word of Eminem "Be smart don't be a retard". Well I could go on and on and on but who cares. Lol. MUAH and LOVE

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